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Bacon Blanket

Writer's picture: SO NOM NOMSO NOM NOM

Have you ever made a recipe that calls for a bacon blanket? Maybe its time you have! Here is the recipe for a bacon blanket. It has one whole ingredient--bacon. The blanket is made with a simple weaving process. Over, under, over, under.... and works so much better and easier with thick cut bacon. This blanket is delicious wrapped around a pork loin, sirloin roast or chicken breasts! Smaller blankets can be made by cutting bacon shorter. Now that you know this, read on...#sonomnom4u #baconblanket

Bacon Blanket:

15 pieces of thick cut bacon

How to make a bacon blanket:

Lie 8 pieces of bacon vertically side by side.

From the bottom, lay a piece of bacon over the first vertical bacon piece, under the second vertical piece, over the third vertical piece, under the fourth vertical piece, over the fifth vertical piece, under the sixth vertical piece, over the seventh vertical piece and under the eighth vertical piece. Row one is complete!

Repeat this process with the other 6 pieces of bacon, making a new horizontal row with each piece of bacon.

Bacon blanket shown in image is 7 x 8 pieces. It is recommended to do as many rows across as the length of your bacon.

Shown below is an example of a plain weave. (Although bacon needs to be side by side, this is a good example of how each row should be woven.)

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